Friday, January 30, 2009

Modelling : Chapter 7 : Modelling Jargon

Modelling Jargon

BOOKING: A work a model has been selected to do.

AUDITION: Meeting to enable the client and the photographer to assess different models corresponding to a series of criteria in order to select models for a project.

HEAD SHEET: Promotion sent once a year to all clients. It takes the form of a poster or a book showing a photo of each model the agency represents.

Period of the week when people interested in becoming models can obtain an opinion of their modelling potential from a professional agent. The basic criteria must be met.

PORTFOLIO (BOOK): The model's basic promotional tool consisting of an album showing the best photos from tests and bookings.

TEST: Photo test done by a professional photographer and team at the model's expense, resulting in the selection of two or three photos to be included in the model's portfolio.

COMPOSITE CARD, OR Z-CARD: Promotional tool in the form of a 5' x 7' card intended for clients. The comp card is a selection of the model's best photos and is updated regularly at the model's expense.

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